Enter the NEXT LEVEL | Spiritual WarFARE | God is in CONTROL.
The information U R going to READ might seem really out there!
Bear with us HUMAN!
"Pray for UR enemies, pray for those who assault you and attack you without mercy or care"
Praying for UR enemies may not change them but your hate and anger towards them will be cleansed and purified and by doing that your mind-set changes. We must remember, that Lucifer was cast out of heaven because he sinned upon his vain pride of his beauty that he received by God's glory, and similarly aren't we also sinners who R filled with such desires?
So, as Friends of God, don't we also pray for others that they might change from their wicked ways and turn to God in repentance?
So, Y mustn't V pray for all the spiritual demons and wicked human beings that exist around us. Like we mentioned, whether it changes them or not is not our concern but our internal world is cleansed through it because all the spiritual tares of hatred and sin that are cast upon us by these very demon kings and queens R washed away and they will not be able to stand in our presence because within us there is no more hatred or anger towards them whether they be demons or demon humans.
This is really out there, but do try it, if it works, it works!
Rest assured, we have tried it, Satan screams in PAIN!
God is Love and Satan's HATRED just cannot stand it!
Hey Satan, may God have mercy on your soul if you have any, but Gods love surrounds us and I, who is reading this, pray that your sins may be cleansed and every wicked thought in your head dissipate. Repent for the Kingdom of God is at HAND.
Jesus is THE LAW!
The One | The Only
FYI - If U want to know the reason for this, find the link hidden within the images.