The Road to Life is in the movement forward!
Two men were walking through a dark forest, the sun was going down and they were hurrying to find a spot to set up camp. After walking for some time, they found a small hut surrounded by a garden. They knocked on the door hoping the tenant would give them a place to rest. They knocked for several minutes but noone answered the door. They peeked through the small opening of the hut to check if there was anyone even in there, and to their surprise they found a woman laying unconscious inside.
The men realized that something was wrong, and walked ahead to check if there were other people nearby so that they can call for help, but to their surprise they only found a farm with goats, chickens and cows, but did not find any people. The sun had almost set now and they were worried. They decided to go back to the hut and check on the woman. The door was now open, and they saw a faint light coming in from inside. They knocked on the door and this time the woman opened the door. The men asked her what had happened as before they found her unconscious on the floor, to which the woman replied that she had fainted from exhaustion, as there's a drought in the area and the only thing that could save this village was much rainfall.
She invited the two men in, gave them food to eat, and a place to rest. Upon awakening the next morning, some village folk had come near the hut and were examining the men resting there. The men gathered up their things and asked the village folk what had happened. An elderly man, stepped up and said that this hut belonged to a woman and a child who had died recently from the severe drought that had hit the village. The men looked at each other in panic and told the elder, that there was a woman here last night and that she had given them food to eat and a place to rest.
Upon hearing this, the elder, called the village folk, and told them all that they needed to leave this village at once, as people are dying and travelers are starting to see strange things. The people of the village agreed with a heavy heart, packed their belongings, and started leaving in a flock, without an idea where they were heading to. The two men frightened by the events of the previous night, joined the village folk.
Moral of the story:
Terrible things happen in Life or may have happened to you personally, life and death comes for all of us, but its a decision you have to make whether to continue in the world of misery, or continue pressing forwards despite the odds being against you!
Its never too late to make a change, and the decision entirely rests with you!